Monday, September 29, 2008

A Taste of Ireland's Local Food Scene

The following is an excerpt from a piece I wrote about my Irish experience this summer. Although I have a lot of work let to do on the essay, I thought I would share a bit anyway. The included photos are all taken on Cape Clear Island.

I couldn't think of any better way to investigate the trend in local food production and consumption than by asking a farmer. In fact, as a low budget traveler, it worked out best to stay with a farmer. Alan and I joined WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms), which is a community of national organizations that connect organic farmers, gardeners, and landholders with volunteers who exchange labor for food and accommodations. The Republic of Ireland had 172 host farms for us to choose from. My preference was to farm by the sea, and Alan, as an employee of a natural food cooperative in Michigan, preferred to work on a farm that supplied a restaurant or store with local products. After a thorough search, we decided on Neil's Place located on Cape Clear Island (population 130) in County Cork. Neil not only owned a 15 acre farm, but also his own grocery store and restaurant.

Alan and I envisioned working 15 acres of vegetables, but our idea of farming changed when we arrived at Cape Clear, a three mile long by one and one half mile wide island with a topography similar to the foothills of Appalachia. This was grazing land, and we were going be working with livestock. Although the island was small, the steep and winding roads made it seem larger. It took a long afternoon to walk around the entire island. Most houses on the island had small gardens for potatoes, tomatoes, and a few other select vegetables, and several families earned their livings by tending livestock.

Neil had several projects for me and Alan. Some were small: mowing his mom's lawn, digging thistles out of the cow pasture, and pruning hedges. The largest task we completed during our stay with Neil was building an electric fence on his mom's pasture land. Growing up in Wisconsin, I equated cow pastures with flat to gently sloping land. Neil's land was anything but flat, and I was surprised the cows would even be willing to graze the steep, tussock-lined ridges that skirted the Atlantic. The land halted with a 200 meter drop into the sea. The plunge had already taken the lives of several of the island's livestock.

In the evenings, Alan and I explored the island. We had the opportunity to visit some of the other farms that accept WWOOFers. The island's most interesting farm, Cleire Goats, was the first farm on Cape Clear to take volunteers. Ed Harper runs the 27 acre goat farm, and his WWOOFers milk goats and make handmade goat ice cream (strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla) for farm door sales. When the bucks get to size, they are ferried over to the mainland for slaughter and then processed into some of the only goat hams in the world. Ed is also blind, and although he can manage the hilly acreage and goats on his own, he is always looking for volunteers to lend a hand. By the way, Ed's volunteers get all the goat ice cream they can dream of.

As Neil's WWOOFers, we took our meals at his restaurant, An Siopa Beag, (Gaelic for Little Shop) which serves traditional home cooked food. My usual breakfast was eggs and toast (the Irish love toast) and breakfast meat if I wanted it. Some locals who ate at An Siopa Beag ordered the traditional Irish breakfast of eggs, sausage, bacon, beans, and black and white pudding, but the Irish breakfast roll—meat on a bun—was by far the most popular morning item. At dinner we ate chicken, turkey, beef, or pork with potatoes and other vegetables. One thing remained consistent at every meal: the large portions. "The Irish like to make sure their guests are full after a meal," Patrick, an American who had been living on Cape Clear for the last year, said when I asked about the belly-stuffing size of each meal. It was unclear whether this was a residual effect of years of famine in past centuries or just a love of food. Everyone I asked had a different opinion.

Neil was interested in the idea of serving local food, but his restaurant's transition was slow in the making. Besides a few vegetables and scallops caught by a local fisherman, a shellfish Alan and I gained firsthand experience cleaning, most of the food served at An Siopa Beag was imported. "Someday I would like to serve my own grass fed beef here," Neil said, after cooking us our dinner of corned beef, which was not from the island. "The beans I serve are from Africa, the canned fruit from California, the cereal and bread from who knows where," Neil shook his head as he showed us the products in his little grocery store. "I would like to sell more local products. It's just difficult figuring out a system."

1 comment:

Daisy said...

I WANT TO READ THIS BUT I DON'T HAVE TIME THIS WEEK BUT WHEN I get to pine lake next week I will.